Fieri Consort

Instruments: Chamber Ensembles & Orchestras

Fieri Consort is an acclaimed vocal ensemble specialising in music of the 16th and 17th Centuries and formed of some of London’s most talented professional singers.

Fieri’s debut album, Tears of a Lover, was BBC Music Magazine’s choice album of the month in 2017, and The Unknown Traveller was released in September 2018 as the ensemble’s second album.

Fieri prides itself in presenting a union of individual soloistic voices, all equally artistically and musically responsible. Fieri’s recordings have been featured on radio channels including BBC Radio 3 (on which the ensemble has also performed live) and Australia’s Classic FM, and the ensemble won the Cambridge Prize in the York Early Music Festival 2017 International Young Artist Competition.

Fieri Consort
Arts Council - funding music
Crespo Foundation
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
RTE Lyric FM
Creative Places West Cork Islands
Irish Examiner
Maritime Hotel
IMRO - Irish Music Rights Organisation