Creative Writing for Beginners with Eimear Ryan

Time and date

Monday 16 to Friday 20 July 2018

5 days

9:30 am

12:30 pm

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In Creative Writing for Beginners, we'll explore the various elements of writing, from ideas and first lines, to characterisation, setting and dialogue.

Admission: €185

Whether you’re interested in poetry, fiction or memoir, the emphasis will be on finding the right form for you and trusting your own voice. The class will include exercises and examples from literature, and will conclude with advice on revising and submitting your work.

Eimear Ryan’s writing has appeared in Winter Papers, Granta, The Stinging Fly, The Dublin Review, Town & Country (Faber) and The Long Gaze Back (New Island). She has won several awards for her short stories, including a Hennessy First Fiction Award and the Sean Dunne Young Writer Award. She is co-editor of the literary journal Banshee.


Eimear Ryan

Eimear Ryan’s writing has appeared in Winter Papers, Granta, The Stinging Fly, The Dublin Review, Town & Country (Faber) and The Long Gaze Back (New Island). She has won several awards for her short stories,...

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