Movies Showing Nowhere: Yorick Goldewijck

Time and date

Tuesday 16 July 2024

12:00 pm

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Join Yorick Goldewijck, author of Movies Showing Nowhere, for a reading and an interactive event about storytelling. Yorick will provide prompts and story ideas and we'll all create together. Imagine a photo as a starting point for a time travel story. Imagine a dull story than we can work together to turn into a full and fun story.

Age: 9+ and their families

Admission: Free but ticketed. Age 9+

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On the day Cate came into the world, her mother left it. Ever since, Cate’s dad has become distant and silent, locked in his own little world. Cate has to keep herself entertained, with kung fu films, her pet rabbit and her photography hobby, until one day she receives an invitation to a mysterious, abandoned cinema, and everything changes.


At the cinema, Cate meets the strange Mrs Kano, who introduces her to a most unusual kind of movie theatre – the kind that lets you step into a memory. So begins a wonder-filled adventure through time that will teach Cate the meaning of love, the beauty of things passing and the need for bravery in letting go.


Translated by Laura Watkinson


Yorick Goldewijck’s attendance at West Cork Literary Festival is supported by the Dutch Foundation for Literature/Nederlands Letterenfonds as part of their New Dutch Writing programme



Yorick Goldewijk

Yorick Goldewijk is a Dutch author and illustrator, as well as a musician who writes music for films, television and computer games. His book Movies Showing Nowhere won the Golden...

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