6. Crespo Series


Time and date

Saturday 25 June 2022

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

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This extraordinary quartet stands at the very pinnacle of the repertoire alongside Beethoven's C sharp minor that was composed at exactly the same time. Both players and audience have to delve much deeper to comprehend this music, so far ahead of its time. Schubert's original plan back in 1824 was to write a set of three quartets dedicated to Ignaz Schuppanzigh, the famous violinist and leader of the Schuppanzigh Quartet. Unfortunately the dedicatee made heavy weather of the Death and the Maiden, the second in the trilogy, and volubly discouraged Schubert - my dear fellow, this is no good, leave it alone; you stick to your songs!

Admission: €15

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Pavel Haas Quartet

This programme has changed from the programme in the brochure. Due to events beyond our control, Luosha Fang is unable to perform at the Festival. We are very grateful to Dana Zemtsov for taking up the viola part at short notice.

All works performed by Pavel Haas Quartet Dana Zemtsov

Composer Work
Schubert Quartet in G major D.887
Arts Council - funding literature
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
CCC Library & Arts Service
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
Creative Places West Cork Islands
RTÉ Supporting The Arts
Maritime Hotel