11. Thirty-Three Variations


Time and date

Saturday 19 to Tuesday 22 June 2021

2 days

8:00 pm

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Admission: €10

‘We present here to the world Varations of no ordinary type, but a great and important masterpiece worthy to be ranked with the imperishable creations of the old Classics, more interesting from the fact that it is elicited from a theme which no one would otherwise have supposed capable of a working-out of that character. All these variations will entitle the work to a place beside Sebastian Bach’s masterpiece in the same form.’ In this way did Diabelli publicise his publication of Beethoven’s remarkable set, showing his uncanny ability to create great art out of next to nothing. Beethoven worked on these Variations before and after creating his Missa Solemnis. When he finished them he moved on to composing the Ninth Symphony, so the Variations were born in a time of high seriousness and particularly long works. As Diabelli points out the only comparable set of Variations in the canon is Bach’s Goldberg.

Visit the OCL event page for more booking details

11. Thirty-Three Variations_Programme Notes

European Broadcast 8pm Irish Standard Time
North American Broadcast 8pm ET (1am Irish Standard Time)

On Demand will become available after the conclusion of the North American broadcast for 48 hours (20 June 2am – 22 June 2am IST)

All works performed by Cédric Tiberghien

Composer Work
Ludwig van Beethoven Diabelli Variations Op.120
Arts Council - funding literature
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
CCC Library & Arts Service
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
Creative Places West Cork Islands
RTÉ Supporting The Arts
Maritime Hotel