Finghin Collins

Time and date

Sunday 27 October 2019

8:00 pm

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Admission €20, Under 16s €10 - please contact the office on 027 52788 for Under 16 tickets, they are not available online

Admission: €20/€10

Finghin Collins

Special offer!
Book both 2019 concerts for €34 (discount of 15%)
To avail of this offer, ring the office on 027 52788

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of being awarded first prize in the Clara Haskil International Piano Competition in Switzerland, Finghin Collins will perform Mozart’s ‘Alla Turca’ sonata and Schubert’s A major Sonata D.959 as well as extracts from the Ros Tapestry Suite.

Finghin is the outstanding Irish pianist of his generation enjoying a flourishing worldwide career and is a regular guest at festivals and concert seasons here.  This concert is part of a major 17 venue tour in Ireland north and south, funded by the Arts Council and Arts Council Northern Ireland.

“Music, instrument and player seemed in perfect concord.” ~ Michael Dervan, Irish Times

“It’s clear that Finghin Collins delights in Mozart.” ~ Harriet Smith, Gramophone Magazine


All works performed by Finghin Collins

Composer Work
Mozart Sonata in A major "Alla Turca"
by 3 or 4 female composers Ros Tapestry Suite - a selection
Schubert Sonata in A major, D. 959
Arts Council - funding literature
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
CCC Library & Arts Service
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
Creative Places West Cork Islands
RTÉ Supporting The Arts
Maritime Hotel