Treske Quartet

Instruments: Masterclass Programme Ensembles

Oliver Baily, Mollie Wrafter [violins]
Abigail Hammett [viola]
Robert Wheatley [cello]

The Treske Quartet is an emerging ensemble based in Manchester, UK. Founded in 2017, the quartet is currently pursuing the RNCM String Quartet Studio programme and Chamber Studio in King’s Place, London. The quartet are the ‘Young Artists 2022’ at the Kensington Olympia Festival of Music and the Arts and over the past two years the quartet has given recitals in the UK and abroad, notably the Ryedale Festival, Wye Valley Summer Festival, Llandeilo International Music Festival, Royal Overseas League and New Generation Festival in Florence.

They have received coaching from some of the world’s leading chamber musicians including the Chilingirian, Brodsky, Parker, Eybler, JACK, Elias, Dante and Navarro Quartets.

Passionate about contemporary and new music, the quartet enjoys collaborating with composers; performing and recording their work. Over the past two years, Treske has been working with Cumbria-based composer Edward Cowie and will be recording his 9th String Quartet and Double String Quartet in collaboration with the Kreutzer Quartet for the Divine Arts record label in the coming months. They have also collaborated with composer Claire Victoria Roberts on numerous chamber and vocal works. The quartet are in the midst of recording two CDs with classical guitarists Roland Chadwick and Daniela Rossi. The Treske Quartet recently travelled to the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity for the Evolution: Quartet programme, an innovative artist development programme for quartets and composers who are in the early stages of career development. Here, they established a positive working relationship with Puerto Rican composer, Gabriel Bouche Caro, and performed the premiere of his piece ‘La Candela’ in collaboration with the JACK Quartet.

Treske are named after the medieval name for the town of Thirsk in North Yorkshire, where Oliver grew up.

©Jacob Barns
Arts Council - funding music
Crespo Foundation
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
RTE Lyric FM
Creative Places West Cork Islands
Irish Examiner
Maritime Hotel
IMRO - Irish Music Rights Organisation