Ellen Hutchins’ Letters: Plants, Landscape & Literature 


Time and date

Monday 15 July 2019

4:30 pm



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Step back to the early 1800s; find out about letter writing practices and materials, and handle quill pens and letters written and posted in Bantry by Ellen Hutchins, Ireland’s first female botanist.

Admission: Free

Hear poignant extracts from Ellen’s letters about small details of life, her passion for plants, love of the landscape and how her “spirit flies to the mountains”, how she loves Bryon’s and Walter Scott’s poetry and her response to the Life of Tasso. Learn about Ellen’s intense seven-year correspondence with fellow botanist, Dawson Turner (they never met) and hear her incredibly moving final written words. This event is hosted by historical re-enactor Carrie O’Flynn, in costume, and Madeline Hutchins, researcher on Ellen and her great-great-grandniece.