Fundraiser for St Brendan’s NS in Bantry House May 18

Fundraiser for St Brendan’s NS in Bantry House May 18

  Friday 10 May 2024

Each day at school the children are influenced by their environment in every way.

Last year St Brendan’s School NS experienced sudden, increased needs in the area of English Language teaching and Special Education Teaching in school. The need to develop a new classroom for teaching these was urgent. During the Summer of 2023 the development of a new classroom took place. This has completely transformed the learning experience of the children in school.

The Support we received at last year’s Wine and Cheese Fundraiser allowed for it. This year we wish to expand our development to outside the school.

We would be very grateful for your support again this year at our Wine and Cheese Fundraiser in Bantry House.

We look forward to welcoming all that attend this year’s event. Every ticket purchased for the event will help shape the environment for all the children at St. Brendan’s NS and will shape their school days positively.

This year the event promises to be a great evening. We have International Renowned singer Katerina Garcia performing in support of the school. Local Musicians also offering their talents. There will be a Ukrainian Choir Singing with a skilled pianist. Julie, owner of Bantry House will give a historical insight into the House and attendees will be free to look around the House.

This year’s event takes place on Saturday May 18th at Bantry House from 7 – 9:30pm. Tickets are available to buy from Bantry Book Shop and also if you contact us on 027 51126 or 087 3139550,card payment accepted.