Free Market: Exhibition

Time and date

Friday 12 to Friday 19 July 2019

8 days


Bantry Library

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Free Market is a touring exhibition and programme of public events highlighting the generosity, humanity and possibility in the common spaces of Ireland’s market towns.

Admission: Free

Free Market is a touring exhibition and programme of public events highlighting the generosity, humanity and possibility in the common spaces of Ireland’s market towns. Small town market places, once the economic and social hubs of rural Ireland have undergone fundamental change and many have seen their function as places of exchange and congregation diminished. All week in Bantry library you can see student projects from the Cork Centre for Architectural Education that investigate and provide proposals for the public spaces of the town of Bantry.

Tara Kennedy from Free Market will be speaking about the project in Bantry Library on Friday 19 July at 5pm. Find out more here.