Sam Perkin

Instruments: Composers

Based between France and Ireland, Cork-born Sam Perkin composes music for leading musicians and ensembles in Ireland and abroad. He completed a residency in 2022 with Crash Ensemble, Ireland’s leading new music ensemble, leading to his substantial work Children In The Universe. He has had fruitful collaborations with a vast array of performing artists and festivals from The Irish Chamber Orchestra and Vanbrugh Quartet to Musica Nova Helsinki and Network For New Music Philadelphia. In the space between classical and experimental music, his artistic work has a particular focus on the exploration of awe.

His debut performance at Wigmore Hall, London, took place in 2023 in which his Piano Trio “Freakshow” was performed by The Sitkovetsky Trio. A new work for Solo Viola, More Beautiful Than It Has To Be, will be premièred by Nathan Sherman in June 2024 at Hošek Contemporary, Berlin. Will Duerden will première a new work, Washing Away The Sorrow, for Solo Double Bass and Piano at Buxton International Festival in July 2024. His work Visualization will be performed by Dejana Sekulič at the opening launch concert of the 33rd Music Biennale Zagreb in 2024.

Sam holds degrees in Composition from CIT Cork School of Music, Ireland, and an Artist Diploma from Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon, France, where he was awarded the Prix Salabert for Composition.

Arts Council - funding music
Crespo Foundation
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
RTE Lyric FM
Creative Places West Cork Islands
Irish Examiner
Maritime Hotel
IMRO - Irish Music Rights Organisation