Alexander Sergios Mouzouri

Instruments: Composers

Alexander Sergios Mouzouri is an Irish/Cypriot composer deeply rooted in the European contemporary tradition. Having studied with Dr Emily Howard and Dr Steven Daverson at the Royal Northern College of Music, Alexander has had pieces performed by Psappha Ensembale, the BBC singers, the RNCM brand new orchestra and by other ensembles across Europe. His music has featured at the British Film Festival, The International Anthony Burgess Foundation and has been Premiered on ITV. Alexander’s music focuses on the nature of complex notation and its relation to how we perceive music, memory and performance.

Arts Council - funding music
Crespo Foundation
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
RTE Lyric FM
Creative Places West Cork Islands
Irish Examiner
Maritime Hotel
IMRO - Irish Music Rights Organisation