Anya Bergman

Genres: Cork | Debut | Fiction | Historical Fiction | Irish Writing | West Cork
Cover of The Witches of Vardo by Anya Bergman. The title of the book is in black and it is surrounded by an illustration of red flames and a blue cat behind the flames.

Anya Bergman became interested in the witch trials of Vardø and the vivid folk tales of the north while living in Norway. Travelling to the Steilneset memorial, in which Louise Bourgeois and Peter Zumthor commemorated persecuted as witches, she became fascinated by their stories. She graduated with distinction from the Creative Writing programme at Edinburgh Napier University. She is working on her next novel, which unites two women and two time periods of global unrest and upheaval. Her debut novel, The Witches of Vardø, was published by Bonnier in January 2023. Anya is now living in West Cork.




©Lizzie McGhee
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