Seán Hewitt

Genres: Irish Writing | Poetry

Seán Hewitt was born in 1990. He previously held a postdoctoral position at University College Cork and now lectures in English literature at Trinity College Dublin. Seán is a book critic for the Irish Times. He won a Northern Writers’ Award in 2016, the Resurgence Prize in 2017, and an Eric Gregory Award in 2019. Tongues of Fire, his debut collection of poetry, was published by Cape in April 2020 and was shortlisted for the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year 2020. He founded the Unlaunched Books podcast in 2020 with Victoria Kennefick and John McAuliffe.

©Bríd O'Donovan
Arts Council - funding literature
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
CCC Library & Arts Service
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
Creative Places West Cork Islands
RTÉ Supporting The Arts
Maritime Hotel